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0417 053 377

Composting Toilet Systems provide waterless composting toilet products and services that offer sustainable, safe, and hygienic systems to treat human waste, save water, and produce a usable compost end product.

Our broad range of products and services include domestic installations, mobile units for small to medium events, and large scale permanent infrastructure catering for thousands of festival patrons. 

CTS secures land for Melbourne based processing centre


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CTS secures land for Melbourne based processing centre

Guest User

CTS is proud to announce that we have secured a large piece of land in Melbourne's northern suburbs where we will build a transfer station and maintenance facility.

Upon completion, the site will house our administration and operations offices as well as a separate facility for the cleaning and maintenance of our mobile unit. In addition the facility will allow for the medium storage of solid waste and the processing of urine into crystallised fertiliser.

We've renovated the site's existing buildings and we've just had the excavators in to level the site for the additional building work. Subscribe to our newsletter and we'll keep you up to date with our progress, or contact us to arrange a time to pop in for a coffee and see our facilities first hand.